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Support Your Research - Data Management Plans 101

Support Your Research - Data Management Plans 101

If you are involved in research then the ‘Support Your Research!’ workshop series will be of interest to you! Join us for an interactive session focused on providing essential information to help you to support your research through the development of data management plans (DMPs)! Topics covered will include impending Tri-Agencies policies relating to DMPs, the importance and benefits of DMPs, how they can support your research, what makes a 'good' DMP, and an overview of their content. There will be time built in for engaged discussions and to discuss your data management questions. A hands-on demonstration of the freely available Portage DMP Assistant tool will be additionally be offered, and participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops and create a DMP Assistant account!


Presenter: James Doiron - Research Data Management Services Coordinator, UofA Library



James Doiron is the Research Data Management Services Coordinator, University of Alberta Libraries. With an educational background in the Social Sciences (Psychology & Criminology), James has extensive applied research and data management experience across a wide range of disciplines, areas of focus and data types. James actively sits on a number of local, national and international advisory and working groups, including both as a member of the UofA’s Institutional RDM Strategy Working Group and Health Research Ethics Board, the Statistics Canada Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) External Advisory Committee, and the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) Council. James is co-Chair of the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) Portage Network Data Management Planning (DMP) Expert Group, and is additionally a member of the Portage Research Data Management (RDM) Training Expert Group, as well as the Dataverse North Working Group.

Thursday, January 30, 2020
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Cameron Library
  Faculty     Graduate Students  
Registration has closed.

Workshops During Covid